3 Creative marketing strategies used by SHEIN

SHEIN is an international B2C fast-fashion e-commerce platform. It uses a lot of online marketing tools and strategies such as popups and sales stickers.

📊 Website Metrics

🌍Alexa ranking: # 717 (website: us.shein.com)

🇺🇸Country: US

🏗Industry: Apparel(Clothing)

📆Analysis date: 2019-12-02

🎟 Coupon Popup

When you open SHEIN’s homepage, a Coupon pops up immediately.

The popup presents two discount coupons and on clicking one of them a sign-up page opens up.

🕗 Countdown Timer

SHEIN actively promotes Cyber Monday activities. It uses countdown timers to create urgency and engage shoppers.

It uses two Countdown Timers on the home page, one to promote free shipping and the other to inform about a sale.

Also, a sticky bar is placed to the right. On selecting it, popup presenting additional discounts opens up. Further, this Popup is used for subscription.

📣 Social Proof

SHEIN presents shoppers with authentic feedback of recent sales to build trust and increase conversion rates. A typical example is the "free trial report" on the product page.

🧬 Sale Stickers

SHEIN uses multiple stickers to engage shoppers and capture their attention.

SHEIN creatively highlights these stickers (star, red, hot, etc.) to upsell products.

❣️We will update more marketing activities and popup use cases used by SHEIN in our upcoming blog posts.

Stay tuned to Automizely blog and learn more about how to successfully market your products

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